SBU detains deputy of Khmelnytskyi region and her children for spying for Russia

SBU detains deputy of Khmelnytskyi region and her children for spying for Russia

The SBU detained a local council deputy in Khmelnytskyi region, as well as her son and daughter, on suspicion of working for Russia.

According to counterintelligence, the woman and her adult children traveled around the region collecting information about the Armed Forces, in particular, about the work of mobile air defense fire groups. They sent photos and geodata to Russia via messenger.

The SBU claims that Russian special services transferred money to the suspect's daughter's card for the work done.

According to the investigation, the MP came to the attention of the Russian Federation because of her “pro-Kremlin activity” on Odnoklassniki. The agency reportedly controlled the MP's actions from the very beginning. 

The defendants are now in custody. The law enforcement officers have notified them of suspicion of high treason (Part 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The maximum penalty for this charge is life imprisonment.


The SBU detained a local council deputy in Khmelnytskyi region, as well as her son and daughter, on suspicion of working for Russia.

According to counterintelligence, the woman and her adult children traveled around the region collecting information about the Armed Forces, in particular, about the work of mobile air defense fire groups. They sent photos and geodata to Russia via messenger.

The SBU claims that Russian special services transferred money to the suspect's daughter's card for the work done.

According to the investigation, the MP came to the attention of the Russian Federation because of her “pro-Kremlin activity” on Odnoklassniki. The agency reportedly controlled the MP's actions from the very beginning. 

The defendants are now in custody. The law enforcement officers have notified them of suspicion of high treason (Part 2 of Article 111 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). The maximum penalty for this charge is life imprisonment.


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