Ukrainian with explosives was detained in France: charges of terrorism

Ukrainian with explosives was detained in France: charges of terrorism

A 26-year-old Ukrainian man was arrested in France after he blew himself up with explosives in a hotel room north of Paris. This was reported by a source in the French anti-terrorism prosecutors office, Reuters reports.

According to the source, the man had citizenship of Ukraine and Russia.

According to BFM, the detainee is a Russian-speaking Ukrainian from Donbas.

The man suffered serious burns to his face as a result of an explosion caused by an improvised explosive in a hotel room near the airport. The incident happened on Monday, June 3, after which firefighters provided him with medical assistance.

During the search of his room, materials and products intended for the manufacture of explosive devices were found.

The French anti-terrorism office, in cooperation with the domestic intelligence service, launched an investigation into a suspected terrorist conspiracy and planning of the explosion.

The embassies of Ukraine and Russia in Paris did not immediately comment on the matter.

Paris CDG airport, located near the scene of the incident, said that the incident did not affect its operations.

A 26-year-old Ukrainian man was arrested in France after he blew himself up with explosives in a hotel room north of Paris. This was reported by a source in the French anti-terrorism prosecutors office, Reuters reports.

According to the source, the man had citizenship of Ukraine and Russia.

According to BFM, the detainee is a Russian-speaking Ukrainian from Donbas.

The man suffered serious burns to his face as a result of an explosion caused by an improvised explosive in a hotel room near the airport. The incident happened on Monday, June 3, after which firefighters provided him with medical assistance.

During the search of his room, materials and products intended for the manufacture of explosive devices were found.

The French anti-terrorism office, in cooperation with the domestic intelligence service, launched an investigation into a suspected terrorist conspiracy and planning of the explosion.

The embassies of Ukraine and Russia in Paris did not immediately comment on the matter.

Paris CDG airport, located near the scene of the incident, said that the incident did not affect its operations.