Assistance in evading mobilization for $15,000: fraudster was detained in Kyiv

Assistance in evading mobilization for $15,000: fraudster was detained in Kyiv

In Kyiv, law enforcement officers detained a local resident who promised to help avoid mobilization in exchange for a reward. In exchange for 15 thousand US dollars, the man offered to obtain a conclusion of the military medical commission on unfitness for military service and subsequent removal from the military register. This was reported by the first deputy head of the Kyiv regional prosecutor's office, Andriy Svatok, on his Facebook page.



The detainee faces up to eight years in prison with confiscation of property.

Svatok said that the offender promised to “organize connections” and influence officials of a medical institution to establish a non-existent diagnosis. This was supposed to allow the military medical commission to declare him unfit for military service and remove him from the military register.

In Kyiv, law enforcement officers detained a local resident who promised to help avoid mobilization in exchange for a reward. In exchange for 15 thousand US dollars, the man offered to obtain a conclusion of the military medical commission on unfitness for military service and subsequent removal from the military register. This was reported by the first deputy head of the Kyiv regional prosecutor's office, Andriy Svatok, on his Facebook page.


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The detainee faces up to eight years in prison with confiscation of property.

Svatok said that the offender promised to “organize connections” and influence officials of a medical institution to establish a non-existent diagnosis. This was supposed to allow the military medical commission to declare him unfit for military service and remove him from the military register.