The European way: Kyiv considers a new model of government for local communities

The European way: Kyiv considers a new model of government for local communities

The capital of Ukraine is considering revising the system of distribution of powers between central and local authorities, using European experience and the model of city management. This was reported by the press service of the KCSA.

Bondarenko emphasized that Kyiv is open to cooperation with experts and is ready to consider European options for change. He also expressed his readiness to provide a vision and management system, a concept for the distribution of powers between the city and districts. This initiative is based on the European experience and model of city management.

If the state is ready for constructive cooperation and acceptance of changes, the city authorities are ready to start this process.

This proposal was made after a regular meeting of the Temporary Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada dedicated to the study of the efficiency of the capital's authorities during the period of martial law. The participants of the meeting discussed the vision of Kyiv's future, the European-style model of city governance, and the need to amend the legislation.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Mayors of Kyiv Maryna Honda and Petro Olenych, as well as members of the Kyiv City Council.

The capital of Ukraine is considering revising the system of distribution of powers between central and local authorities, using European experience and the model of city management. This was reported by the press service of the KCSA.

Bondarenko emphasized that Kyiv is open to cooperation with experts and is ready to consider European options for change. He also expressed his readiness to provide a vision and management system, a concept for the distribution of powers between the city and districts. This initiative is based on the European experience and model of city management.

If the state is ready for constructive cooperation and acceptance of changes, the city authorities are ready to start this process.

This proposal was made after a regular meeting of the Temporary Special Commission of the Verkhovna Rada dedicated to the study of the efficiency of the capital's authorities during the period of martial law. The participants of the meeting discussed the vision of Kyiv's future, the European-style model of city governance, and the need to amend the legislation.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Mayors of Kyiv Maryna Honda and Petro Olenych, as well as members of the Kyiv City Council.