SBI: Head of Odesa TCC department helped men to evade service

SBI: Head of Odesa TCC department helped men to evade service

In Odesa, an employee of the Primorskyi TCC organized a corruption scheme for evading military service. This was reported by the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation.

“The head of the department unauthorizedly began to interfere with the work of the electronic database of the conscripts register Oberih and in general ‘corrected’ the data on 138 conscripts, falsely making them unfit for military service,” the statement said.

He has been engaged in this illegal activity since July 2023.

This service cost $4.5-7 thousand and allowed him to earn at least a million dollars.

The SBI said that they had identified all the people who had managed to take advantage of the scheme. Some of them managed to go abroad. Those who remained in Ukraine were taken to a recruitment center “to update their data and further mobilization to the ranks of the Armed Forces.”

The offender faces up to 15 years in prison.


In Odesa, an employee of the Primorskyi TCC organized a corruption scheme for evading military service. This was reported by the press service of the State Bureau of Investigation.

“The head of the department unauthorizedly began to interfere with the work of the electronic database of the conscripts register Oberih and in general ‘corrected’ the data on 138 conscripts, falsely making them unfit for military service,” the statement said.

He has been engaged in this illegal activity since July 2023.

This service cost $4.5-7 thousand and allowed him to earn at least a million dollars.

The SBI said that they had identified all the people who had managed to take advantage of the scheme. Some of them managed to go abroad. Those who remained in Ukraine were taken to a recruitment center “to update their data and further mobilization to the ranks of the Armed Forces.”

The offender faces up to 15 years in prison.


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