Agreement between the EU and Moldova: a new stage of security cooperation

Agreement between the EU and Moldova: a new stage of security cooperation

The European Union and Moldova have adopted a security partnership agreement, recognized as the first of its kind for the EU, according to the EU's chief diplomat, Josep Borrell.



According to him, this document is an important step for both sides.

Dorin Recean, the Prime Minister of Moldova, signed the agreement on behalf of the country, while the European Union was represented by a High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

This partnership is the first with the EU in the field of defense and security for Moldova, and will contribute to strengthening the country's security and joint response to challenges.

The agreement was preliminarily announced last week, and it also plans to sign a security agreement with Ukraine in the coming months in accordance with the G7 Vilnius Declaration.

The European Union and Moldova have adopted a security partnership agreement, recognized as the first of its kind for the EU, according to the EU's chief diplomat, Josep Borrell.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Moldova is the first country to sign a Security &amp; Defence Partnership with the EU.<br><br>This partnership will enhance the country&#39;s resilience.<br><br>It will allow to jointly address common security challenges, make our engagement more effective and explore new areas of cooperation. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Josep Borrell Fontelles (@JosepBorrellF) <a href="">May 21, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


According to him, this document is an important step for both sides.

Dorin Recean, the Prime Minister of Moldova, signed the agreement on behalf of the country, while the European Union was represented by a High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.

This partnership is the first with the EU in the field of defense and security for Moldova, and will contribute to strengthening the country's security and joint response to challenges.

The agreement was preliminarily announced last week, and it also plans to sign a security agreement with Ukraine in the coming months in accordance with the G7 Vilnius Declaration.