SBU blew up second train on Russia's strategic railway - media

SBU blew up second train on Russia's strategic railway - media

The Security Service of Ukraine has organized another explosion on Russia's most important strategic railway. Another train was blown up in Buryatia. Ukrainian Pravda reports this with reference to its own sources.

The interlocutors of the publication note that this explosion was the second stage of the "SBU special operation to disable this important railway line." The Russians use it, among other things, for military logistics.

Thus, the first freight train exploded directly in the Severomuysky tunnel. To continue the movement, the Russians began to use a detour route through the Devil's Bridge.

"That's exactly what the SBU was counting on: when the train was passing over this high 35-meter bridge, the explosive devices planted in it went off," the sources said.

According to Russian Telegram channels, the explosion set 6 tanks on fire.

The Security Service of Ukraine has organized another explosion on Russia's most important strategic railway. Another train was blown up in Buryatia. Ukrainian Pravda reports this with reference to its own sources.

The interlocutors of the publication note that this explosion was the second stage of the "SBU special operation to disable this important railway line." The Russians use it, among other things, for military logistics.

Thus, the first freight train exploded directly in the Severomuysky tunnel. To continue the movement, the Russians began to use a detour route through the Devil's Bridge.

"That's exactly what the SBU was counting on: when the train was passing over this high 35-meter bridge, the explosive devices planted in it went off," the sources said.

According to Russian Telegram channels, the explosion set 6 tanks on fire.