Skepticism about the war is growing among the Russian business elite - British intelligence

Skepticism about the war is growing among the Russian business elite - British intelligence

Skepticism about the war against Ukraine is growing among the Russian business elite and the oligarchic community.


This is stated in a daily summary of British intelligence.


"Migration applications suggest that 15,000 Russian millionaires are probably already trying to leave the country. Motives are likely to include both personal aversion to invasion and an intention to avoid the financial consequences of sanctions imposed on Russia. If this outcome continues, it will exacerbate the long-term damage caused by the war to Russia's economy," the report says.


It also notes that while a majority of Russians tell pollsters they support the "special operation," parts of the population both actively and passively show their opposition.


"The Legion of Freedom for Russia," recruited from Russians, almost certainly participated in the fighting alongside the Ukrainian military. Some high-ranking Russian officials are likely sidelined after criticizing the war," the statement said.


Regarding the situation on the front, it is reported that over the past 24 hours, Russian forces probably continued to try to gain momentum in the direction of Popasna, from where they are trying to close the North Donetsk cauldron from the south.

Skepticism about the war against Ukraine is growing among the Russian business elite and the oligarchic community.


This is stated in a daily summary of British intelligence.


"Migration applications suggest that 15,000 Russian millionaires are probably already trying to leave the country. Motives are likely to include both personal aversion to invasion and an intention to avoid the financial consequences of sanctions imposed on Russia. If this outcome continues, it will exacerbate the long-term damage caused by the war to Russia's economy," the report says.


It also notes that while a majority of Russians tell pollsters they support the "special operation," parts of the population both actively and passively show their opposition.


"The Legion of Freedom for Russia," recruited from Russians, almost certainly participated in the fighting alongside the Ukrainian military. Some high-ranking Russian officials are likely sidelined after criticizing the war," the statement said.


Regarding the situation on the front, it is reported that over the past 24 hours, Russian forces probably continued to try to gain momentum in the direction of Popasna, from where they are trying to close the North Donetsk cauldron from the south.