A power facility was attacked in Rivne region: settlements were cut off from power supply

A power facility was attacked in Rivne region: settlements were cut off from power supply

On the night of May 29, drone fragments fell on a power facility in Rivne region. This was reported by the head of the Rivne RMA Oleksandr Koval.

“As a result of falling debris, the protection system at one of the power facilities was activated, which led to a power outage in some settlements,” the statement said.

According to the head of the RMA, no one was injured in the attack.



Ukrenergo also informed about a drone attack.

“At night, a Russian UAV attacked a power facility in Rivne region. Consumers lost power, and after 2 hours the power supply was restored,” the company said.


On the night of May 29, drone fragments fell on a power facility in Rivne region. This was reported by the head of the Rivne RMA Oleksandr Koval.

“As a result of falling debris, the protection system at one of the power facilities was activated, which led to a power outage in some settlements,” the statement said.

According to the head of the RMA, no one was injured in the attack.


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Ukrenergo also informed about a drone attack.

“At night, a Russian UAV attacked a power facility in Rivne region. Consumers lost power, and after 2 hours the power supply was restored,” the company said.


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