Emergency power outages in Kharkiv: causes and consequences

Emergency power outages in Kharkiv: causes and consequences

Today, on June 10, in the afternoon, emergency power outages were introduced in Kharkiv for industrial and residential consumers. This information was provided by Ukrenergo via its Telegram channel.



According to Ukrenergo, these emergency outages are related to minor technical complications in the trunk grid.

In addition, interruptions in power supply for critical infrastructure facilities are possible.

Today, on June 10, in the afternoon, emergency power outages were introduced in Kharkiv for industrial and residential consumers. This information was provided by Ukrenergo via its Telegram channel.


<script async src="https://telegram.org/js/telegram-widget.js?22" data-telegram-post="Ukrenergo/2931" data-width="100%"></script>


According to Ukrenergo, these emergency outages are related to minor technical complications in the trunk grid.

In addition, interruptions in power supply for critical infrastructure facilities are possible.