The Coordination Headquarters will notify the families of prisoners of war through the Diia app: details

The Coordination Headquarters will notify the families of prisoners of war through the Diia app: details

Relatives of prisoners of war will receive notifications from the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War in the Diia mobile application. This was announced by the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov.

"Families of prisoners of war and civilians held captive by Russia, as well as families of missing persons, are vulnerable. Russians often take advantage of this and send compromising messages asking for money in exchange for 'release from captivity'. Or spammers speculate on this topic, attach a link, and then steal the person's data. To protect families from this mess, from now on all notifications from the office of the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War will be in Diia,” said Fedorov.

The minister explained how the notifications work: after a person goes missing, his or her relatives leave a statement in their personal account on the Coordination Headquarters's website. From this account, Diia will receive notifications that the statement has been confirmed, information has been added to the case, and that the person has been released from captivity.

In addition, Diia will also receive a notification if a person was reported missing and later confirmed to be in captivity.

"We are doing everything to make the process safe for relatives. And when they receive a push from Diia that a person has been released from captivity, it means that he or she has indeed been released,” emphasized Fedorov.


Relatives of prisoners of war will receive notifications from the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War in the Diia mobile application. This was announced by the Minister of Digital Transformation of Ukraine Mykhailo Fedorov.

"Families of prisoners of war and civilians held captive by Russia, as well as families of missing persons, are vulnerable. Russians often take advantage of this and send compromising messages asking for money in exchange for 'release from captivity'. Or spammers speculate on this topic, attach a link, and then steal the person's data. To protect families from this mess, from now on all notifications from the office of the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War will be in Diia,” said Fedorov.

The minister explained how the notifications work: after a person goes missing, his or her relatives leave a statement in their personal account on the Coordination Headquarters's website. From this account, Diia will receive notifications that the statement has been confirmed, information has been added to the case, and that the person has been released from captivity.

In addition, Diia will also receive a notification if a person was reported missing and later confirmed to be in captivity.

"We are doing everything to make the process safe for relatives. And when they receive a push from Diia that a person has been released from captivity, it means that he or she has indeed been released,” emphasized Fedorov.


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