SBGS comments on leaving the country by Ukrainians with dual citizenship: details

SBGS comments on leaving the country by Ukrainians with dual citizenship: details

The State Border Guard Service reacted to a statement by the American Embassy in Kyiv that Ukrainians with dual citizenship are no longer allowed to travel outside Ukraine. They called the statement incorrect and reminded that Ukrainian law prohibits multiple citizenship and that such rules have always been in effect.

“I can emphasize once again that dual citizenship is prohibited in Ukraine. Even if Ukrainian citizens have a passport of another country, they are primarily considered exclusively as citizens of Ukraine and are subject to the rights and obligations of Ukrainian citizens,” said Andriy Demchenko, a representative of the State Border Guard Service, during the telethon.

He explained that similar rules had been in place before.

“For example, at the border, border guards have repeatedly detected citizens of our country who, at passport control, pretended to be foreigners. Such citizens are always brought to justice in accordance with the law,” the speaker noted.

At the same time, he said, they should not be confused with citizens of Ukraine who permanently reside outside Ukraine and have in their documents the relevant marks on registration of travel abroad for permanent residence and marks (stamps) on permanent consular registration at a foreign diplomatic mission of Ukraine.

“Previously, such male citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60 during martial law also had the opportunity to travel outside Ukraine. However, with the change in legislation, this opportunity is now limited for them,” Demchenko summarized.

The State Border Guard Service reacted to a statement by the American Embassy in Kyiv that Ukrainians with dual citizenship are no longer allowed to travel outside Ukraine. They called the statement incorrect and reminded that Ukrainian law prohibits multiple citizenship and that such rules have always been in effect.

“I can emphasize once again that dual citizenship is prohibited in Ukraine. Even if Ukrainian citizens have a passport of another country, they are primarily considered exclusively as citizens of Ukraine and are subject to the rights and obligations of Ukrainian citizens,” said Andriy Demchenko, a representative of the State Border Guard Service, during the telethon.

He explained that similar rules had been in place before.

“For example, at the border, border guards have repeatedly detected citizens of our country who, at passport control, pretended to be foreigners. Such citizens are always brought to justice in accordance with the law,” the speaker noted.

At the same time, he said, they should not be confused with citizens of Ukraine who permanently reside outside Ukraine and have in their documents the relevant marks on registration of travel abroad for permanent residence and marks (stamps) on permanent consular registration at a foreign diplomatic mission of Ukraine.

“Previously, such male citizens of Ukraine aged 18 to 60 during martial law also had the opportunity to travel outside Ukraine. However, with the change in legislation, this opportunity is now limited for them,” Demchenko summarized.