Russian troops attacked Dnipro with missiles: civilian infrastructure is damaged, there are wounded

Russian troops attacked Dnipro with missiles: civilian infrastructure is damaged, there are wounded

On the morning of June 4, Russian troops attacked Dnipro with missiles, damaging civilian infrastructure and injuring people as a result of air defense and falling debris. This was reported by the head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, Serhiy Lysak.

“It is a difficult morning in Dnipro. The enemy attacked the city. Air defense forces shot down two missiles. But as a result of the falling debris, civilian infrastructure was damaged, a fire broke out, and local residents were injured,” he wrote.

According to Lysak, five people were injured. Among them are a one-month-old boy, whose parents decided to treat him on an outpatient basis, and a 17-year-old boy in moderate condition.

“A 68-year-old man and three women - 32, 36 and 56 years old - were also injured. One of them was hospitalized, doctors assess her condition as moderate,” the statement said.

A dozen and a half cars were damaged. Windows in private homes, high-rise buildings and hospitals were smashed.

Later it became known about another wounded person in Dnipro.

“This is a 37-year-old man, he is in the hospital, a total of 7 injured, including two children,” Lysak said.


On the morning of June 4, Russian troops attacked Dnipro with missiles, damaging civilian infrastructure and injuring people as a result of air defense and falling debris. This was reported by the head of the Dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, Serhiy Lysak.

“It is a difficult morning in Dnipro. The enemy attacked the city. Air defense forces shot down two missiles. But as a result of the falling debris, civilian infrastructure was damaged, a fire broke out, and local residents were injured,” he wrote.

According to Lysak, five people were injured. Among them are a one-month-old boy, whose parents decided to treat him on an outpatient basis, and a 17-year-old boy in moderate condition.

“A 68-year-old man and three women - 32, 36 and 56 years old - were also injured. One of them was hospitalized, doctors assess her condition as moderate,” the statement said.

A dozen and a half cars were damaged. Windows in private homes, high-rise buildings and hospitals were smashed.

Later it became known about another wounded person in Dnipro.

“This is a 37-year-old man, he is in the hospital, a total of 7 injured, including two children,” Lysak said.


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