5 people remain missing after attack on Epicenter in Kharkiv - prosecutor's office

5 people remain missing after attack on Epicenter in Kharkiv - prosecutor's office

Five people are considered missing after the attack on the Epicenter hypermarket in Kharkiv. This was reported by the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

“The number of dead has increased to 16 people. A total of 45 people were injured. Five people remain missing,” the statement said.



May 27 has been declared a day of mourning in Kharkiv for those who died as a result of the attacks on Epicenter. 

As we reported earlier, at least 20 people were at the epicenter of the explosion when the construction hypermarket in Kharkiv was hit.

Five people are considered missing after the attack on the Epicenter hypermarket in Kharkiv. This was reported by the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office.

“The number of dead has increased to 16 people. A total of 45 people were injured. Five people remain missing,” the statement said.


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May 27 has been declared a day of mourning in Kharkiv for those who died as a result of the attacks on Epicenter. 

As we reported earlier, at least 20 people were at the epicenter of the explosion when the construction hypermarket in Kharkiv was hit.