Unwillingness to serve: a soldier was given three years for missing weeks at work at the TCC

Unwillingness to serve: a soldier was given three years for missing weeks at work at the TCC

A man who worked at a military territorial recruitment center was sentenced to three years in prison for missing two weeks of service. According to the Storozhynets District Court of Chernivtsi region, the man said he had no intention of serving at the TCC, but was trying to go to the front.

According to the court verdict, last year he failed to show up for work on May 15 and stayed at home until June 7, spending time on his own affairs unrelated to the service.

On March 21, 2024, he was detained and accused of voluntarily leaving the place of service for more than three days.

At the trial, he admitted his guilt and repented, declaring his intention to serve at the front. The judge took into account his desire to help defend Ukraine, but decided that his reform required isolation from society. Thus, he was sentenced to three years in prison.

It should be noted that he has a wife and three minor children from his first marriage.

A man who worked at a military territorial recruitment center was sentenced to three years in prison for missing two weeks of service. According to the Storozhynets District Court of Chernivtsi region, the man said he had no intention of serving at the TCC, but was trying to go to the front.

According to the court verdict, last year he failed to show up for work on May 15 and stayed at home until June 7, spending time on his own affairs unrelated to the service.

On March 21, 2024, he was detained and accused of voluntarily leaving the place of service for more than three days.

At the trial, he admitted his guilt and repented, declaring his intention to serve at the front. The judge took into account his desire to help defend Ukraine, but decided that his reform required isolation from society. Thus, he was sentenced to three years in prison.

It should be noted that he has a wife and three minor children from his first marriage.