16100 occupants, 561 tanks and 115 planes - General Staff updated data on enemy losses in the war

16100 occupants, 561 tanks and 115 planes - General Staff updated data on enemy losses in the war

There are 125 fewer helicopters in the Russian army.


Total combat losses of Russian troops from February 24 to March 25 are estimated at more than 16100 manpower.


The Russians lost:

561 tanks,

1,652 armored combat vehicles,

291 artillery systems,

90 multiple-launch rocket systems,

49 air defense assets,

115 aircraft,

125 helicopters,

1,089 units of automotive equipment.


This was reported by the General Staff of the AFU.

Also, the occupants now have five fewer ships.


Losses of fuel tanks amount to 72 units,

UAVs of operational-tactical level - 53,

special equipment - 18.


There are 125 fewer helicopters in the Russian army.


Total combat losses of Russian troops from February 24 to March 25 are estimated at more than 16100 manpower.


The Russians lost:

561 tanks,

1,652 armored combat vehicles,

291 artillery systems,

90 multiple-launch rocket systems,

49 air defense assets,

115 aircraft,

125 helicopters,

1,089 units of automotive equipment.


This was reported by the General Staff of the AFU.

Also, the occupants now have five fewer ships.


Losses of fuel tanks amount to 72 units,

UAVs of operational-tactical level - 53,

special equipment - 18.


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