European Commission to assess Ukraine's progress on its way to the EU: update to take place this Friday

European Commission to assess Ukraine's progress on its way to the EU: update to take place this Friday

The European Commission plans to provide a new assessment of the progress in the implementation of European integration reforms by Ukraine and Moldova. This information was announced by Radio Liberty's Europe editor, Rikard Jozwiak, on the social network X.



The assessment is scheduled to be presented orally to EU ambassadors this Friday, June 7.

He added that positive feedback on the progress of both countries is expected, although Hungary is likely to express skepticism about Ukraine.

Despite this, there is still hope that negotiations on Ukraine's and Moldova's accession to the EU could begin at the end of June, although the time for this is limited.

The European Commission plans to provide a new assessment of the progress in the implementation of European integration reforms by Ukraine and Moldova. This information was announced by Radio Liberty's Europe editor, Rikard Jozwiak, on the social network X.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">the Commission will on Friday give EU ambs an oral update on progress on accession reforms. Both countries expected to get positive remarks but likely to be skeptical over.hope is still that both countries will start accession talks end of June but clock is ticking</p>&mdash; Rikard Jozwiak (@RikardJozwiak) <a href="">June 5, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


The assessment is scheduled to be presented orally to EU ambassadors this Friday, June 7.

He added that positive feedback on the progress of both countries is expected, although Hungary is likely to express skepticism about Ukraine.

Despite this, there is still hope that negotiations on Ukraine's and Moldova's accession to the EU could begin at the end of June, although the time for this is limited.