President of Latvia: Hungary will not be involved in coordination of support for Ukraine at NATO summit

President of Latvia: Hungary will not be involved in coordination of support for Ukraine at NATO summit

The leaders of NATO member states will have an agreed approach to support Ukraine after the Hungarian president refused to participate in a meeting in Riga. This was announced by Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs, as quoted by Reuters.

Rinkēvičs reminded that Hungarian leader Tamas Sulok refused to attend the summit of the Bucharest Nine, which includes Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

At the moment, Slovakia is also not participating, as President Zuzana Kaputova canceled her visit to Riga “at the last minute.” It is worth noting that Kaputova's term as head of state expires this week, while Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is currently recovering from the attack.

Before the meeting, Rinkēvičs emphasized the importance of a coordinated approach to the upcoming NATO summit in Washington to support Ukraine and strengthen the alliance.

The leaders of NATO member states will have an agreed approach to support Ukraine after the Hungarian president refused to participate in a meeting in Riga. This was announced by Latvian President Edgars Rinkēvičs, as quoted by Reuters.

Rinkēvičs reminded that Hungarian leader Tamas Sulok refused to attend the summit of the Bucharest Nine, which includes Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia.

At the moment, Slovakia is also not participating, as President Zuzana Kaputova canceled her visit to Riga “at the last minute.” It is worth noting that Kaputova's term as head of state expires this week, while Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico is currently recovering from the attack.

Before the meeting, Rinkēvičs emphasized the importance of a coordinated approach to the upcoming NATO summit in Washington to support Ukraine and strengthen the alliance.