Restrictions for Russian diplomats: Poland adopts new measures

Restrictions for Russian diplomats: Poland adopts new measures

Poland has imposed new restrictions on the movement of Russian diplomats in the country due to Russia's participation in a hybrid war against the countries of the European Union. This was announced by Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, Onet reports.

He noted that the restrictions will apply to all representatives of the Russian embassy and consular staff, who will soon receive a corresponding note.

Sikorski clarified that Russian diplomats are allowed to move only within Mazovia, and consuls - only in those voivodeships where they perform their duties. This restriction will not apply only to the ambassador.

The minister emphasized that similar practices are already in place in other countries and expressed hope that other states would also adopt similar measures.

Sikorski emphasized that Poland has evidence of Russia's involvement in subversive actions in Europe.

He concluded his speech by expressing hope that Russia would take this warning seriously.

Poland has imposed new restrictions on the movement of Russian diplomats in the country due to Russia's participation in a hybrid war against the countries of the European Union. This was announced by Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, Onet reports.

He noted that the restrictions will apply to all representatives of the Russian embassy and consular staff, who will soon receive a corresponding note.

Sikorski clarified that Russian diplomats are allowed to move only within Mazovia, and consuls - only in those voivodeships where they perform their duties. This restriction will not apply only to the ambassador.

The minister emphasized that similar practices are already in place in other countries and expressed hope that other states would also adopt similar measures.

Sikorski emphasized that Poland has evidence of Russia's involvement in subversive actions in Europe.

He concluded his speech by expressing hope that Russia would take this warning seriously.