Polish Foreign Minister: sending troops to Ukraine is not ruled out

Polish Foreign Minister: sending troops to Ukraine is not ruled out

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski said that the government should not rule out the possibility of sending military units to Ukraine. This was reported by Reuters.

Sikorski noted that Poland should leave Vladimir Putin in the dark about its intentions.

Answering a question about Poland's readiness for such a step, the minister said: “We should not rule it out.”

Earlier, Sikorski said that the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine “is not unthinkable.”

Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski said that the government should not rule out the possibility of sending military units to Ukraine. This was reported by Reuters.

Sikorski noted that Poland should leave Vladimir Putin in the dark about its intentions.

Answering a question about Poland's readiness for such a step, the minister said: “We should not rule it out.”

Earlier, Sikorski said that the presence of NATO troops in Ukraine “is not unthinkable.”