NABU and SAPO release information on suspicion served on Ermak's ex-deputy

NABU and SAPO release information on suspicion served on Ermak's ex-deputy

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office have officially notified the former Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andrii Smyrnov, of the suspicion of illegal enrichment. This information was provided by the press service of the anti-corruption agencies.



According to the investigation, in the period from 2020 to 2022, the official acquired property worth UAH 17.1 million, while his savings and official income for this period amounted to more than UAH 1.3 million. This created a difference of UAH 15.7 million between the value of the acquired property and the official's funds. In particular, this includes two cars (Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen), two motorcycles (Honda, BMW), three parking spaces in Kyiv, an apartment in Lviv, and a land plot in Zakarpattia.

To hide this property, the official registered a significant part of it in the name of his brother, reserving the right to dispose of it in full. The Honda motorcycle was initially registered in the name of a friend, and then re-registered in the official's name

The NABU noted that the detection of this crime became possible after the publication of an investigation by Ukrainska Pravda journalists and with the assistance of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention.

Earlier we reported that Andrii Smyrnov, former deputy head of the Presidential Office, said that he confirmed receiving a suspicion from the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine. He was also visited and searched. 

The National Anti-Corruption Bureau and the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office have officially notified the former Deputy Head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andrii Smyrnov, of the suspicion of illegal enrichment. This information was provided by the press service of the anti-corruption agencies.


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According to the investigation, in the period from 2020 to 2022, the official acquired property worth UAH 17.1 million, while his savings and official income for this period amounted to more than UAH 1.3 million. This created a difference of UAH 15.7 million between the value of the acquired property and the official's funds. In particular, this includes two cars (Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen), two motorcycles (Honda, BMW), three parking spaces in Kyiv, an apartment in Lviv, and a land plot in Zakarpattia.

To hide this property, the official registered a significant part of it in the name of his brother, reserving the right to dispose of it in full. The Honda motorcycle was initially registered in the name of a friend, and then re-registered in the official's name

The NABU noted that the detection of this crime became possible after the publication of an investigation by Ukrainska Pravda journalists and with the assistance of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention.

Earlier we reported that Andrii Smyrnov, former deputy head of the Presidential Office, said that he confirmed receiving a suspicion from the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine. He was also visited and searched.