A successful operation: AFU struck at Russian convoy in Kursk region using FPV drones

A successful operation: AFU struck at Russian convoy in Kursk region using FPV drones

The Ukrainian military, using FPV drones, successfully attacked a convoy of Russian vehicles in the Kursk region. The information was posted by activist Serhii Sternenko on his Twitter account.



According to the publication, the Russian convoy was first spotted by a reconnaissance drone that sent FPV drones to the scene. The attack was carried out using classical tactics: the vehicles at the head and tail of the convoy were attacked first.

However, this method is effective only on narrow roads, as it makes it difficult for vehicles to escape from the targeted area.

According to preliminary data, the authors of the video are the Malibu units of the 53rd Separate Mechanized Brigade and the Wings to Hell of the 103rd Independent Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces. There is no information on the exact date and location of the shooting.

But according to Defense Express, the location of the attack can be determined using geolocation. The attack probably took place just 2.5 km from Ukraine, near the Russian settlements of Sverdlikovo and Lebedevka.

The Ukrainian military, using FPV drones, successfully attacked a convoy of Russian vehicles in the Kursk region. The information was posted by activist Serhii Sternenko on his Twitter account.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="uk" dir="ltr">Розбиття російської колони у Курській області<br><br>Нещодавно біля нашого державного кордону на межі Сумщини сталась дуже дивна ситуація – здуру російська колона вантажного транспорту викотилась у поле.<br>Без мети, бо у російських вояк-камікадзе є тільки шлях. Шлях до смерті.<br><br>Воїни… <a href="https://t.co/6fIWGY65mz">pic.twitter.com/6fIWGY65mz</a></p>&mdash; Serhii Sternenko (@sternenko) <a href="https://twitter.com/sternenko/status/1797529617760215545?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 3, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


According to the publication, the Russian convoy was first spotted by a reconnaissance drone that sent FPV drones to the scene. The attack was carried out using classical tactics: the vehicles at the head and tail of the convoy were attacked first.

However, this method is effective only on narrow roads, as it makes it difficult for vehicles to escape from the targeted area.

According to preliminary data, the authors of the video are the Malibu units of the 53rd Separate Mechanized Brigade and the Wings to Hell of the 103rd Independent Brigade of the Territorial Defense Forces. There is no information on the exact date and location of the shooting.

But according to Defense Express, the location of the attack can be determined using geolocation. The attack probably took place just 2.5 km from Ukraine, near the Russian settlements of Sverdlikovo and Lebedevka.