The Cabinet of Ministers added an additional condition for obtaining a deferral, which was not in the law - MP

The Cabinet of Ministers added an additional condition for obtaining a deferral, which was not in the law - MP

By its resolution, the Cabinet of Ministers added an additional condition for obtaining a deferral, which was not in the law on mobilization. This was reported by MP from the Servant of the People party Ihor Fris on Facebook.

Namely, the list of required documents now includes “the conclusion of the medical advisory commission of the health care institution on the need for constant care (for persons with disabilities of group II).”

For group I, everything remained in the wording of the law.

“What does this mean? As for me, it means that the law is being unlawfully interpreted at their own discretion. Maybe tomorrow other executive authorities will interpret laws at their own discretion and issue orders and instructions based not on the law but on their own worldview?” - Fries wrote.

He appealed to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal “to correct this nonsense.”

MP Maksym Buzhanskyi wrote in the comments to the post that he had also sent an appeal.

“Although in a good way, it is necessary to send investigators, this is a pure abuse of power, I have never seen anything like this before,” he said.


By its resolution, the Cabinet of Ministers added an additional condition for obtaining a deferral, which was not in the law on mobilization. This was reported by MP from the Servant of the People party Ihor Fris on Facebook.

Namely, the list of required documents now includes “the conclusion of the medical advisory commission of the health care institution on the need for constant care (for persons with disabilities of group II).”

For group I, everything remained in the wording of the law.

“What does this mean? As for me, it means that the law is being unlawfully interpreted at their own discretion. Maybe tomorrow other executive authorities will interpret laws at their own discretion and issue orders and instructions based not on the law but on their own worldview?” - Fries wrote.

He appealed to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal “to correct this nonsense.”

MP Maksym Buzhanskyi wrote in the comments to the post that he had also sent an appeal.

“Although in a good way, it is necessary to send investigators, this is a pure abuse of power, I have never seen anything like this before,” he said.


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