Support from France: Macron is ready to participate in the peace summit

Support from France: Macron is ready to participate in the peace summit

French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed his participation in the peace summit during a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. This was one of the key topics of their discussion. This information was shared by the head of the Ukrainian state on Twitter.



Zelensky noted that he had discussed with Macron the issue of his participation in the peace summit and thanked him for the confirmation. The President highly appreciated France’s important role in the implementation of the peace formula, particularly in the context of nuclear safety.

The President also emphasized the need to involve the countries of the Global South in the summit.

The parties also discussed the situation at the frontline, particularly in Kharkiv region.

Zelensky expressed gratitude to Macron for his powerful defense support and invited him to visit Kyiv in the near future.

French President Emmanuel Macron confirmed his participation in the peace summit during a telephone conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. This was one of the key topics of their discussion. This information was shared by the head of the Ukrainian state on Twitter.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="uk" dir="ltr">Провів розмову з Еммануелем Макроном і подякував за підтвердження його участі в Саміті миру. Я високо ціную важливу роль Франції в реалізації Формули миру, зокрема пункту щодо ядерної безпеки. <br><br>Обговорили важливість заохочення країн Глобального Півдня до участі в Саміті та…</p>&mdash; Volodymyr Zelenskyy / Володимир Зеленський (@ZelenskyyUa) <a href="">May 14, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Zelensky noted that he had discussed with Macron the issue of his participation in the peace summit and thanked him for the confirmation. The President highly appreciated France’s important role in the implementation of the peace formula, particularly in the context of nuclear safety.

The President also emphasized the need to involve the countries of the Global South in the summit.

The parties also discussed the situation at the frontline, particularly in Kharkiv region.

Zelensky expressed gratitude to Macron for his powerful defense support and invited him to visit Kyiv in the near future.