A new era of cooperation: Britain and Ukraine discuss 100-year partnership

A new era of cooperation: Britain and Ukraine discuss 100-year partnership

Great Britain and Ukraine have started negotiations on a 100-year partnership. This is stated in a message on the Facebook page of the British Embassy in Kyiv.



British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has begun negotiations with Ukraine on a deal that will strengthen relations between the two countries in all areas, from trade and security to science, technology, education and culture.

The announcement refers to the provision of £36 million in aid for Ukraine's energy infrastructure, including £20 million in emergency funding to recover from the recent wave of attacks on Ukraine's critical infrastructure, and £16 million for the winners of the Innovate Ukraine competition.

Great Britain and Ukraine have started negotiations on a 100-year partnership. This is stated in a message on the Facebook page of the British Embassy in Kyiv.


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British Foreign Secretary David Cameron has begun negotiations with Ukraine on a deal that will strengthen relations between the two countries in all areas, from trade and security to science, technology, education and culture.

The announcement refers to the provision of £36 million in aid for Ukraine's energy infrastructure, including £20 million in emergency funding to recover from the recent wave of attacks on Ukraine's critical infrastructure, and £16 million for the winners of the Innovate Ukraine competition.