Polish farmers have completely blocked the Shehyni checkpoint, not allowing trucks to enter or leave Ukraine. The Yagodyn checkpoint is also partially blocked. Andriy Demchenko, spokesman for the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, said this during a telethon.
"The situation has not actually changed in recent days, but today we have a certain change in the direction of the Shehyni checkpoint. Because at 13:00, as the Polish side informed us, Polish farmers refused to let any truck traveling either towards Ukraine or Poland through. Although even before that, there had been such a critical minimum of truck crossings in this direction," he said.
For example, according to Demchenko, only 47 trucks crossed the border in both directions over the past day.
"And after 1 p.m. and now we record at our checkpoint that trucks are not moving either from Poland or to Poland. The Polish side does not accept trucks from Ukraine," the spokesman stated.
According to the spokesperson, the number of truck crossings remains significantly lower in the direction of the Yagodyn checkpoint.
"Over the past day, 111 trucks heading from Poland to Ukraine crossed the border here. As before, Polish farmers do not allow any truck heading from Ukraine to Poland to cross. In recent days, there have been zero border crossings towards Poland in this direction," he added.
As of March 1, Polish farmers continue to block the movement of trucks at the border. There are significant complications for crossing the border - both in the direction of Ukraine and Poland.
Polish farmers continue to block the border at six checkpoints - Yagodyn, Ustyluh, Uhryniv, Rava-Ruska, Shehyni, and Krakowiec.