Polish farmers block another checkpoint on the border with Ukraine

Polish farmers block another checkpoint on the border with Ukraine

Polish farmers have started blocking traffic near the Korchova-Krakowiec checkpoint. This was reported in a post by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on Telegram.



Around 14:00, Polish farmers started a protest near the Korczowa checkpoint, which is opposite the Ukrainian Krakowiec checkpoint.

According to the information of Polish colleagues, the picketers plan to block the movement of trucks heading to Ukraine for one hour.

"There will be no blocking of passenger transport," the statement said.

Polish farmers have started blocking traffic near the Korchova-Krakowiec checkpoint. This was reported in a post by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine on Telegram.


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Around 14:00, Polish farmers started a protest near the Korczowa checkpoint, which is opposite the Ukrainian Krakowiec checkpoint.

According to the information of Polish colleagues, the picketers plan to block the movement of trucks heading to Ukraine for one hour.

"There will be no blocking of passenger transport," the statement said.