Budget 2023: Defense spending will increase by 300 billion

Budget 2023: Defense spending will increase by 300 billion

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted in the first reading a draft law to increase state budget expenditures in 2023 by more than UAH 300 billion, mainly for defense. This was reported by Yaroslav Zheleznyak, a member of the Verkhovna Rada's Finance Committee, on Telegram.

According to him, consideration of draft law No. 10038 as a whole will take place only in October.

As a reminder, the government proposed to the Verkhovna Rada to increase state budget spending on defense by UAH 300 billion.


The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has adopted in the first reading a draft law to increase state budget expenditures in 2023 by more than UAH 300 billion, mainly for defense. This was reported by Yaroslav Zheleznyak, a member of the Verkhovna Rada's Finance Committee, on Telegram.

According to him, consideration of draft law No. 10038 as a whole will take place only in October.

As a reminder, the government proposed to the Verkhovna Rada to increase state budget spending on defense by UAH 300 billion.


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