An adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine accused the former French President of being directly involved in Russia's crimes against Ukraine.
In an interview with Le Figaro, the former French president called for "compromises" to end Russia's long-running war against Ukraine. He believes that Crimea was Russian territory until 1954, and many residents of the peninsula "have always considered themselves Russians," and therefore "any step back is illusory."
Sarkozy suggested holding a "referendum under strict international control" to "confirm the current situation on the peninsula."
Podolyak emphasized that Sarkozy's remarks revealed one of the reasons for the current war - Western leaders' encouragement of Putin's illegal plans to seize territories.
"Sarkozy's encouragement is a direct complicity in a long-term crime. You cannot encourage criminals with the phrase "land for peace," Podolyak said.
The advisor also emphasized that there are no "new territories of Russia" and that there are no grounds for so-called "referendums". He emphasized that one should not trade other people's territories in the name of friendship with criminals. He confirmed that Crimea and Donbas are an inseparable territory of Ukraine. Podolyak summarized that the only way to end the war is to return to international law, and this means that Russia must lose.
"Fewer provocations, fewer contradictory statements, fewer incentives to commit crimes," Podolyak added.
He emphasized that the "Sarkozy experience" of participating in Russia's criminal conspiracy to organize genocide and war in Ukraine should not be repeated in 2023.
Фантастична злочинна логіка екс-президента Франції @NicolasSarkozy, у якій він виправдовує загарбницькі війни Росії, знову оголила одну з фундаментальних причин сьогоднішньої війни. Саме заохочення лідерами західних країн злочинних планів Путіна щодо захоплення чужих земель у…
— Михайло Подоляк (@Podolyak_M) August 17, 2023