Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo plans to visit Ukraine on April 3.
This was learned by Politico from two sources familiar with the details of the trip.
The sources spoke about the planned visit of Pompeo, who headed the US State Department during the presidency of Donald Trump, on condition of anonymity.
Pompeo will have to consider security risks, as other high-ranking officials who have visited Ukraine before him have done.
It is still unclear whether he will meet with the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyi and what the program of his visit will be.
Pompeo is one of several leading Republicans seen as potential challengers to former President Trump for the 2024 GOP nomination.
The publication notes that Pompeo's visit to Kyiv will be an opportunity to demonstrate his support for Ukraine and distinguish himself from candidates such as Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron Desantis, who have expressed more skepticism about Kyiv's situation.
Last year, Pompeo stated that he considers Russia's war against Ukraine to be genocide, and that Putin will not stop if he succeeds in the south and Donbass.