Eight occupants and the chief of staff drowned during the construction of a pontoon bridge in Chernihiv region

Eight occupants and the chief of staff drowned during the construction of a pontoon bridge in Chernihiv region

While organizing a pontoon-bridge crossing of the Desna River, eight occupants and the chief of staff of the 40th engineer-sapper regiment, Alexander Kornika, drowned. Six bodies could not be taken out of the water because of the strong current.


This was reported on his Facebook page by journalist Roman Tsymbaliuk. It is noted that another 17 Russian soldiers were injured.


It happened on March 27 near the city of Chernihiv.


While organizing a pontoon-bridge crossing of the Desna River, eight occupants and the chief of staff of the 40th engineer-sapper regiment, Alexander Kornika, drowned. Six bodies could not be taken out of the water because of the strong current.


This was reported on his Facebook page by journalist Roman Tsymbaliuk. It is noted that another 17 Russian soldiers were injured.


It happened on March 27 near the city of Chernihiv.


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