Orban: After the US and EU elections, a formation of a coalition to end the war in Ukraine is possible

Orban: After the US and EU elections, a formation of a coalition to end the war in Ukraine is possible

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has announced plans to create a “pan-Western transatlantic peace coalition” this year to end the war in Ukraine.

He believes that such a turn of events is possible if Donald Trump wins and “good European elections”. That is, the victory of the opponents of military aid to Ukraine in the elections to the European Parliament and local elections in the EU countries.

“We have to live until November, when the American elections are held. If the war doesn't break out by then, it will already be on the Russian-Ukrainian front line. But in November, if Donald Trump wins and there are good European elections, we will be able to create a pan-Western transatlantic peace coalition and stop the war. Today, this seems to be a realistic scenario for peace supporters,” Orban said.

He is confident that the current EU government will eventually send its troops to Ukraine.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has announced plans to create a “pan-Western transatlantic peace coalition” this year to end the war in Ukraine.

He believes that such a turn of events is possible if Donald Trump wins and “good European elections”. That is, the victory of the opponents of military aid to Ukraine in the elections to the European Parliament and local elections in the EU countries.

“We have to live until November, when the American elections are held. If the war doesn't break out by then, it will already be on the Russian-Ukrainian front line. But in November, if Donald Trump wins and there are good European elections, we will be able to create a pan-Western transatlantic peace coalition and stop the war. Today, this seems to be a realistic scenario for peace supporters,” Orban said.

He is confident that the current EU government will eventually send its troops to Ukraine.