Terrible incident in TCC of Zhytomyr region: a conscript died after an epileptic seizure

Terrible incident in TCC of Zhytomyr region: a conscript died after an epileptic seizure

The Zhytomyr TCC stated that the man who was brought for the military medical commission (MMC) died as a result of “self-mutilation” after an epileptic seizure, and not from being beaten by the military. This was reported by the Zhytomyr Regional TCC.



The report states that on May 28, 2024, a conscript, Serhiy K., was brought to the 2nd department of the Zvyagel RTCC to undergo a MMC. Witnesses reported that the man had been abusing alcohol for several days and had signs of minor injuries.

The next morning, the man had an epileptic seizure caused by prolonged alcohol consumption. He was given first aid and an ambulance was called.

The investigative team classified the incident as self-mutilation. Unfortunately, on June 2, 2024, the man died of injuries sustained during an epileptic seizure in a hospital.

The TCC also added that the investigators who conducted the examination noted: “there was no extraneous physical impact on the man.”

At the same time, local Facebook groups began to link the information about the deceased conscript to the actions of the TCC.

A local publication reports that it is 32-year-old Serhiy Kovalchuk, who was buried in Baranivka on June 4.

Kovalchuk's family claims that they have information that the man was beaten at the local TCC district department.

According to the deceased's father, he was brought to the hospital with a fractured vault bone and skull.

The deceased's relatives appealed to the police, and a pre-trial investigation is underway.

Ivanna Siletska, deputy head of the police communications department in Zhytomyr region, said that police are investigating the case and classifying it as a careless serious or moderate bodily harm.

The Zhytomyr TCC stated that the man who was brought for the military medical commission (MMC) died as a result of “self-mutilation” after an epileptic seizure, and not from being beaten by the military. This was reported by the Zhytomyr Regional TCC.


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The report states that on May 28, 2024, a conscript, Serhiy K., was brought to the 2nd department of the Zvyagel RTCC to undergo a MMC. Witnesses reported that the man had been abusing alcohol for several days and had signs of minor injuries.

The next morning, the man had an epileptic seizure caused by prolonged alcohol consumption. He was given first aid and an ambulance was called.

The investigative team classified the incident as self-mutilation. Unfortunately, on June 2, 2024, the man died of injuries sustained during an epileptic seizure in a hospital.

The TCC also added that the investigators who conducted the examination noted: “there was no extraneous physical impact on the man.”

At the same time, local Facebook groups began to link the information about the deceased conscript to the actions of the TCC.

A local publication reports that it is 32-year-old Serhiy Kovalchuk, who was buried in Baranivka on June 4.

Kovalchuk's family claims that they have information that the man was beaten at the local TCC district department.

According to the deceased's father, he was brought to the hospital with a fractured vault bone and skull.

The deceased's relatives appealed to the police, and a pre-trial investigation is underway.

Ivanna Siletska, deputy head of the police communications department in Zhytomyr region, said that police are investigating the case and classifying it as a careless serious or moderate bodily harm.