Imprisonment for 15 years: former KGB officer is guilty of missile attack on Yavoriv training ground

Imprisonment for 15 years: former KGB officer is guilty of missile attack on Yavoriv training ground

It is now known that 73-year-old Oleksandr Kostornyi, a former KGB officer, was found guilty of treason and sentenced to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. The press service of the Prosecutor General's Office stated that prosecutors from the Lviv Regional Prosecutor's Office supported the public accusation against him.



The court proved that Kostornyi cooperated with Russian FSB agents, collecting data on military facilities and critical infrastructure. He was detained for passing on information about the location of military facilities, including the Yavoriv military training ground, which led to the shelling of these facilities by the Russians.

According to the investigation, more than 60 people were killed and more than 160 injured during the shelling.

In addition, Kostornyi passed on other information to the Russians for the purpose of subversive activities against Ukraine. During the trial, he did not plead guilty and did not repent.

The court's verdict will be final after the appeal period expires.

It is now known that 73-year-old Oleksandr Kostornyi, a former KGB officer, was found guilty of treason and sentenced to 15 years in prison with confiscation of property. The press service of the Prosecutor General's Office stated that prosecutors from the Lviv Regional Prosecutor's Office supported the public accusation against him.


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The court proved that Kostornyi cooperated with Russian FSB agents, collecting data on military facilities and critical infrastructure. He was detained for passing on information about the location of military facilities, including the Yavoriv military training ground, which led to the shelling of these facilities by the Russians.

According to the investigation, more than 60 people were killed and more than 160 injured during the shelling.

In addition, Kostornyi passed on other information to the Russians for the purpose of subversive activities against Ukraine. During the trial, he did not plead guilty and did not repent.

The court's verdict will be final after the appeal period expires.