Fatal accident: People's Deputy Nikolayenko ordered to house arrest until January

Fatal accident: People's Deputy Nikolayenko ordered to house arrest until January

The Pechersk District Court of Kyiv has imposed a pre-trial restraint on MP Andriy Nikolayenko. He ran over an 18-year-old girl to death on the Kyiv-Chop highway. This was reported in the broadcast of the court session.



The Kyiv court placed Andriy Nikolayenko under round-the-clock house arrest until January 4. The MP was also ordered to wear an electronic bracelet.

The prosecution insisted on a preventive measure in the form of detention without the possibility of bail.

As a reminder, on November 7, the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv was supposed to choose a preventive measure against Nikolayenko. But the judge announced a break in the hearing.

The Pechersk District Court of Kyiv has imposed a pre-trial restraint on MP Andriy Nikolayenko. He ran over an 18-year-old girl to death on the Kyiv-Chop highway. This was reported in the broadcast of the court session.


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The Kyiv court placed Andriy Nikolayenko under round-the-clock house arrest until January 4. The MP was also ordered to wear an electronic bracelet.

The prosecution insisted on a preventive measure in the form of detention without the possibility of bail.

As a reminder, on November 7, the Pechersk District Court of Kyiv was supposed to choose a preventive measure against Nikolayenko. But the judge announced a break in the hearing.