Police surrounded the monastery in Ternopil region: dispute over lease extension

Police surrounded the monastery in Ternopil region: dispute over lease extension

In the Ternopil region, police raided the Kremenets nunnery in order to close it and evict the nuns, the press service of the UOC reported.

According to the report, the lease of the monastery expires this year. The last time the lease was extended in 2018 for five years. The abbess of the monastery appealed to the director of the reserve with a request not to evict the sisters until the Ministry of Culture and the State Property Fund respond to the request to extend the lease.

However, the reserve commission did not respond to the monastery's requests, and this morning they arrived at the monastery with police surrounding the territory.

It is reported that the police allowed people to enter the monastery only upon presentation of a passport and confirmation of local registration.

Later, the press service of the UOC reported that the police and the commission had left the monastery grounds.



In the Ternopil region, police raided the Kremenets nunnery in order to close it and evict the nuns, the press service of the UOC reported.

According to the report, the lease of the monastery expires this year. The last time the lease was extended in 2018 for five years. The abbess of the monastery appealed to the director of the reserve with a request not to evict the sisters until the Ministry of Culture and the State Property Fund respond to the request to extend the lease.

However, the reserve commission did not respond to the monastery's requests, and this morning they arrived at the monastery with police surrounding the territory.

It is reported that the police allowed people to enter the monastery only upon presentation of a passport and confirmation of local registration.

Later, the press service of the UOC reported that the police and the commission had left the monastery grounds.


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