Germany and Ukraine create a post-war recovery plan: details of the declaration

Germany and Ukraine create a post-war recovery plan: details of the declaration

The Ministries of Finance of Ukraine and Germany have signed a joint declaration on promoting Ukraine's recovery after the war. This was reported by Reuters.

“We want to contribute now so that Ukraine can set the course for future growth through its recovery,” he said.

The declaration envisages not only financial assistance, but also the creation of institutional capacity to support Ukraine's private sector and promote investment.

It is important to note that the declaration does not have the status of a treaty and does not impose any legal obligations on the parties under international law.

The German Ministry of Finance has also asked KfW Development Bank to assess the feasibility of implementing a project that provides financial support to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

This project can also contribute to the development of the Business Development Fund to become an independent state financial institution aimed at supporting Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

The Ministries of Finance of Ukraine and Germany have signed a joint declaration on promoting Ukraine's recovery after the war. This was reported by Reuters.

“We want to contribute now so that Ukraine can set the course for future growth through its recovery,” he said.

The declaration envisages not only financial assistance, but also the creation of institutional capacity to support Ukraine's private sector and promote investment.

It is important to note that the declaration does not have the status of a treaty and does not impose any legal obligations on the parties under international law.

The German Ministry of Finance has also asked KfW Development Bank to assess the feasibility of implementing a project that provides financial support to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

This project can also contribute to the development of the Business Development Fund to become an independent state financial institution aimed at supporting Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).