Operational information from the Army of the AFU

Operational information from the Army of the AFU

Operational Command North destroyed about 20 enemy tanks in the Minsk direction in Chernihiv Region. Casualties are being specified.


Also, the "North" unit destroyed a column of enemy equipment, which was moving from the direction of Repok to Chernihiv. Losses of about 10-15 pieces of equipment.


Chernihiv holds the defense and destroys the enemy!


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Operational Command North destroyed about 20 enemy tanks in the Minsk direction in Chernihiv Region. Casualties are being specified.


Also, the "North" unit destroyed a column of enemy equipment, which was moving from the direction of Repok to Chernihiv. Losses of about 10-15 pieces of equipment.


Chernihiv holds the defense and destroys the enemy!


Believe in and support the AFU!


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