Zuckerberg announced the renaming of the company

Zuckerberg announced the renaming of the company

American billionaire Mark Zuckerberg announced the renaming of Facebook. From now on the company will be called Meta. He announced this in a video presentation.


The name Meta should reflect a new direction, in which the company plans to work. This is the creation of the so-called meta universe. The company is going to create its own virtual and augmented reality products, as well as smart glasses.


"The metaworld is the next evolution of social connections. Our company's vision is to help bring the meta-universe to life, so we're changing our name to reflect our commitment to that future," the company says on its updated website.


The company's rebranding will not affect the name of Facebook's social network and other products.


American billionaire Mark Zuckerberg announced the renaming of Facebook. From now on the company will be called Meta. He announced this in a video presentation.


The name Meta should reflect a new direction, in which the company plans to work. This is the creation of the so-called meta universe. The company is going to create its own virtual and augmented reality products, as well as smart glasses.


"The metaworld is the next evolution of social connections. Our company's vision is to help bring the meta-universe to life, so we're changing our name to reflect our commitment to that future," the company says on its updated website.


The company's rebranding will not affect the name of Facebook's social network and other products.


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