Zelensky: Ukraine will not make territorial concessions to end the war

Zelensky: Ukraine will not make territorial concessions to end the war

Ukraine has no intention of agreeing to territorial concessions to end the war, as Russia would then get a pause before a new war. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in his speech to the French National Assembly.

“Can Putin win the war? No, because you and I have no right to lose. Can this war end on the lines that exist now? No, because there are no lines for evil, not 80 years ago, not now. And if someone tries to draw time lines, it will only give a pause before a new war... Hitler completed line after line, and Putin is doing the same today,” the head of state said.

At the same time, the President expressed confidence that Ukraine will be able to win the war. 

“Will we be able to win this battle? Without a doubt, yes. We can. Ukraine, and therefore Europe. Europe, and therefore France. I am sure of this, as is France. France believed in freedom when D-Day had not yet taken place, but that day of of landing, as well as the day of European victory, was inevitable,” the President added.


Ukraine has no intention of agreeing to territorial concessions to end the war, as Russia would then get a pause before a new war. This was stated by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky in his speech to the French National Assembly.

“Can Putin win the war? No, because you and I have no right to lose. Can this war end on the lines that exist now? No, because there are no lines for evil, not 80 years ago, not now. And if someone tries to draw time lines, it will only give a pause before a new war... Hitler completed line after line, and Putin is doing the same today,” the head of state said.

At the same time, the President expressed confidence that Ukraine will be able to win the war. 

“Will we be able to win this battle? Without a doubt, yes. We can. Ukraine, and therefore Europe. Europe, and therefore France. I am sure of this, as is France. France believed in freedom when D-Day had not yet taken place, but that day of of landing, as well as the day of European victory, was inevitable,” the President added.


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