State Border Guard Service: Ukrainians with residence permits in other countries will not be allowed to go abroad

State Border Guard Service: Ukrainians with residence permits in other countries will not be allowed to go abroad

Ukrainians with residence permits in other countries will be restricted from traveling abroad. Border guards will stop letting them out. This was stated by the official representative of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Andriy Demchenko, during a telethon.

“Previously, we did let out people who had a residence permit outside Ukraine. Now we do not let this category of citizens through,” Demchenko said.

According to him, the law “On Military Duty and Military Service” stipulates that such citizens of Ukraine are excluded from the list of persons to be removed from military registration, and instead they are obliged to register with the military by a government resolution.

“That is why, until this issue is separately regulated in the rules for crossing the border for this category of citizens, we will not let them cross the border,” explained the spokesman.

Ukrainians with residence permits in other countries will be restricted from traveling abroad. Border guards will stop letting them out. This was stated by the official representative of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine, Andriy Demchenko, during a telethon.

“Previously, we did let out people who had a residence permit outside Ukraine. Now we do not let this category of citizens through,” Demchenko said.

According to him, the law “On Military Duty and Military Service” stipulates that such citizens of Ukraine are excluded from the list of persons to be removed from military registration, and instead they are obliged to register with the military by a government resolution.

“That is why, until this issue is separately regulated in the rules for crossing the border for this category of citizens, we will not let them cross the border,” explained the spokesman.