Electricity deficit has increased today, outages will be longer - Yasno

Electricity deficit has increased today, outages will be longer - Yasno

The electricity shortage on Tuesday, June 4, will be greater than on the Monday before, so power outages will be longer. This was reported on Facebook by Serhiy Kovalenko, CEO of the electricity supplier Yasno.

He noted that two power units of nuclear power plants were taken out of service for scheduled repairs, and repair work has begun on the line that imports electricity from Slovakia.

“Stabilization restrictions will be higher than on Monday - 26% for Kyiv. The light gray zone of the schedules will be used,” he said.

Thus, there may be no electricity for 7 hours.


The electricity shortage on Tuesday, June 4, will be greater than on the Monday before, so power outages will be longer. This was reported on Facebook by Serhiy Kovalenko, CEO of the electricity supplier Yasno.

He noted that two power units of nuclear power plants were taken out of service for scheduled repairs, and repair work has begun on the line that imports electricity from Slovakia.

“Stabilization restrictions will be higher than on Monday - 26% for Kyiv. The light gray zone of the schedules will be used,” he said.

Thus, there may be no electricity for 7 hours.


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