Deputy Minister of Defense Chornohorenko tells about the search for citizens for violation of military registration: details

Deputy Minister of Defense Chornohorenko tells about the search for citizens for violation of military registration: details

With the help of Reserve+, 710,000 citizens have already been removed from the groundless “wanted” list, which was indicated in their status in the app. This was reported by Deputy Defense Minister Kateryna Chornohorenko.

“We advise you to log in to the application again to see your updated status,” she said.

Even some active military personnel had this status. It is not equal to a criminal investigation, but means that the TCC has not received information about a conscript for a long time.

In addition, Chornohorenko said that the terms for searching for citizens for violations of military registration have been extended.

Until May 19, an administrative penalty could be imposed no later than two months after the date of violation of the rules of military registration. Now it is 3 months from the date of detection, but no later than one year from the date of commission.

During this period, a person can be detained and fined.


With the help of Reserve+, 710,000 citizens have already been removed from the groundless “wanted” list, which was indicated in their status in the app. This was reported by Deputy Defense Minister Kateryna Chornohorenko.

“We advise you to log in to the application again to see your updated status,” she said.

Even some active military personnel had this status. It is not equal to a criminal investigation, but means that the TCC has not received information about a conscript for a long time.

In addition, Chornohorenko said that the terms for searching for citizens for violations of military registration have been extended.

Until May 19, an administrative penalty could be imposed no later than two months after the date of violation of the rules of military registration. Now it is 3 months from the date of detection, but no later than one year from the date of commission.

During this period, a person can be detained and fined.


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