Explanation of the Ministry of Defense: negotiations on reception of instructors from France are not yet completed

Explanation of the Ministry of Defense: negotiations on reception of instructors from France are not yet completed

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine explained that negotiations on the admission of instructors from France to Ukrainian training centers are still ongoing, emphasizing the need to resolve this issue.

According to the Defense Ministry's press service, starting in February 2024, Ukraine has expressed interest in the possible reception of foreign instructors.



Discussions with France and other countries on this issue are ongoing, and internal work on the relevant documents has begun together with the General Staff to prepare all the necessary procedures in advance.

Earlier, we reported that France had decided to send its instructors to Ukraine to train the local military.

The Ministry of Defense of Ukraine explained that negotiations on the admission of instructors from France to Ukrainian training centers are still ongoing, emphasizing the need to resolve this issue.

According to the Defense Ministry's press service, starting in February 2024, Ukraine has expressed interest in the possible reception of foreign instructors.


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Discussions with France and other countries on this issue are ongoing, and internal work on the relevant documents has begun together with the General Staff to prepare all the necessary procedures in advance.

Earlier, we reported that France had decided to send its instructors to Ukraine to train the local military.