The Cabinet of Ministers changes the rules for reservations from mobilization: details and information

The Cabinet of Ministers changes the rules for reservations from mobilization: details and information

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has amended the procedure for reserving conscripts, which concerns fuel and energy companies and their subcontractors. This was announced by Taras Melnychuk, the Cabinet's permanent representative in the Verkhovna Rada, on Telegram.



From now on, under the new rules, companies that carry out construction, repair and other engineering and technical measures to restore damaged property of critical infrastructure facilities may be called to military service in the event of martial law. The list of such companies is approved by the Ministry of Energy.

These changes are aimed at ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of Ukraine's energy and gas transportation systems in the event of armed aggression by the Russian Federation, Melnychuk emphasized.

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has amended the procedure for reserving conscripts, which concerns fuel and energy companies and their subcontractors. This was announced by Taras Melnychuk, the Cabinet's permanent representative in the Verkhovna Rada, on Telegram.


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From now on, under the new rules, companies that carry out construction, repair and other engineering and technical measures to restore damaged property of critical infrastructure facilities may be called to military service in the event of martial law. The list of such companies is approved by the Ministry of Energy.

These changes are aimed at ensuring the uninterrupted functioning of Ukraine's energy and gas transportation systems in the event of armed aggression by the Russian Federation, Melnychuk emphasized.