As a result of farmers' protests in Warsaw, 13 Polish police officers were injured. The Polish authorities criticized the protesters who resorted to force. This is reported by Polskie Radio.
As you know, after the farmers' protest in the Polish capital, 13 police officers were hospitalized. One of the officers suffered a serious head injury.
Deputy Minister of State Property of Poland Robert Kropiwnicki criticized the protesters who turned to aggression against the police in a comment to the media.
"It is unacceptable to create such a riot in the Polish state, even in the name of reasonable demands. I got the impression that the farmers who came to express their opinion were joined by militants who decided to organize a big riot in the center of Warsaw," he said.
According to the Polish official, law enforcement officers acted correctly when they dispersed the protesters with gas. He added that not all farmers resorted to force, but only a few dozen protesters.