American inventor and billionaire Elon Musk has caused outrage online with his latest statement against Ukraine. The Tesla founder, who is known for his role in taking down the drones that attacked the Russian fleet in Crimea, posted a meme on his X social network page depicting President Volodymyr Zelensky as a beggar constantly asking for help from the United States.
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 1, 2023
This post provoked an active reaction in the comments.
Many users reminded Musk that Zelensky was asking for help to protect Ukraine from aggression and save the lives of its people.
It was also emphasized that Zelensky receives support for Ukraine, while Musk, according to all reports, is enriching himself and developing his own business.
The Office of the President of Ukraine has expressed its disagreement with Elon Musk's mockery of Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky and emphasized that any form of support for Russia is now a direct support for the hostilities and genocide of the Ukrainian people. This was reported by Mykhailo Podolyak, Advisor to the Head of the Presidential Office.
"Any support for Russia today is a direct investment in war, genocide, murder of the free world, escalation and the right to impunity. Any silence or irony over Ukraine today is an unconditional encouragement of Russian propaganda that justifies mass violence and destruction," he emphasized.
Podolyak also emphasized that not all important public figures, being far from the battlefield, are able to understand the fears and suffering of people who experience bombings and loss of loved ones every day.
"Sometimes it's better to be silent, isn't it, Elon Musk?" added the advisor to the head of the OP.