The government is not planning rolling blackouts in the country, Denis Shmygal said on the air of 1+1 TV channel in response to the statement of the head of Kiev about the high risk of blackouts on the channel "Ukraine 24".
"Experts say that frosts up to -15 ° C will last for several weeks... The probability of rolling blackouts is very high", - said Klitschko.
In response, Shmygal said that such manipulative statements are groundless.
"Ask Mayor Klitschko where he gets this misinformation and why he is convinced that he will have some kind of rolling blackouts. Today neither the Ministry of Energy nor "Ukrenergo" have any grounds for the rolling blackouts. We are not preparing for rolling blackouts, we do not make such plans," said Prime Minister.
"There are no rolling blackouts in the country," Shmygal said, noting that they have nothing to do with work on power grids under the regulations.
"Emergency assistance is a technical term. Emergency assistance is requested several times during the winter period by different countries that are on the same power grid. Last year there were about a dozen cases of such emergency assistance. I don't remember exactly now, but these are technological things, just like power flows," Shmygal said in response to the host's question about the request for emergency assistance from Slovak and Belarusian power systems.