On February 24, life in Ukraine was divided into before and after. But the 21 days of the Russian invasion of Ukraine showed that the Ukrainian army, the Ukrainian nation, is ready to defend its right to exist at any cost. So said Olena Belozerskaya, a veteran of the war in eastern Ukraine. She is still on active duty as an officer of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. In her opinion, already in May-June the war in Ukraine may end. The obstacle to this deadline could be that Russia will conduct mobilization. And even if the military action drags on for a year, she is sure - the victory will still be for Ukraine. Front News Ukraine talked to Yelena about the mood in the army.
- Ukraine now defends not only its own territorial integrity, but also defends the sovereignty of other European countries. How do you feel about such statements?
EB: I talk about this myself all the time. If Ukraine had failed, the Baltic states would have been next, then Poland. I like to quote the phrase: "There is now a Third World War, in which only two countries are at war: Russia against the entire civilized world and Ukraine for the entire civilized world.
- Will the Russian Federation receive military support from China? What threats should we be prepared for?
EB: I don't think it will. Strange as it may seem, it depends not so much on Russia and China as on us. It depends on how well we fight. No one wants to be in the same boat as someone who loses a war, because it means sharing responsibility with them.
- Have you met volunteers from other nations, what sentiments prevail among them? What is their impression of our defenders?
EB: I have met those whose states have long since had to return the territories that Russia has squeezed out of them. These volunteers have their own accounts with the Russians. They are surprised at how tough we are and how well we beat the enemy. I don't think anyone expected this at all.
- What do you think of Maria Ovsyannikova's act on Channel One's live broadcast?
EB: Maybe this editor doesn't want to live in the reservation for aggressive savages that Russia has turned into, and has decided to risk emigration to the West in order to be a heroine there. But whatever her motives, I am surprised by the excessive attention Ukrainians are paying to her action. Don't we have enough events of our own?
- What is the most important thing right now in approaching victory? What are your plans for this week to get closer to that goal?
EB: Not to stop and beat the enemy. And making any plans in war is a thankless thing. There are orders from commanders, and there is an objective situation that can change minute by minute.