Embassy of Ukraine in Romania urges residents not to film air defense work

Embassy of Ukraine in Romania urges residents not to film air defense work

The Embassy of Ukraine in Romania warned residents of the border areas not to publish information about the work of air defense near the ports on the Danube.

It should be noted that Russia shelled the infrastructure of the ports on the Danube on the night of August 16. After the attack, videos showing drone attacks on port infrastructure and the work of Ukrainian air defense appeared on social media and in some mass media.

It is reported that Russia monitors social media and may use these materials to plan attacks. The embassy also asks that videos of drone attacks on ports and air defense not be shared in order not to help Russia adjust its targets.



The Embassy of Ukraine in Romania warned residents of the border areas not to publish information about the work of air defense near the ports on the Danube.

It should be noted that Russia shelled the infrastructure of the ports on the Danube on the night of August 16. After the attack, videos showing drone attacks on port infrastructure and the work of Ukrainian air defense appeared on social media and in some mass media.

It is reported that Russia monitors social media and may use these materials to plan attacks. The embassy also asks that videos of drone attacks on ports and air defense not be shared in order not to help Russia adjust its targets.


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